新界屯門湖景邨湖暉街7號    2467 6672    [email protected]
Congratulations to Mr. Mong Kin Yau, our school’s English Panel Chairman, on receiving the Hong Kong EdCity Teaching Excellence Award. This prestigious recognition aims to commend teachers who demonstrate an excellent grasp of subject knowledge, effectively utilize teaching methods and pedagogies for future education. The judging panel consists of esteemed figures in the education field, including Ms Kathy Chung Lai Kam, Chairperson of Hong Kong Aided Primary School Heads Association, Professor Morris Jong Siu Yung, Director of Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Mr Lin Chun Pong, Chairman of The Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools, Mr Ken Ngai Yuen Keung, Executive Director of Hong Kong Education City, Professor Kenneth Sin Kuen Fung, MH, Director of Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education, The Education University of Hong Kong as well as Professor Gary Wong Ka Wai, Director of Centre for Information Technology in Education of The University of Hong Kong.

Among the many outstanding teachers, Mr. Mong’s teaching has received unanimous recognition from the judging panel, making him the sole recipient of this year's individual Teaching Excellence Award. The English Department of our school has made significant progress in academic achievements, activities, and external competitions over the past year. Mr. Mong expresses his deepest gratitude to the Incorporated Management Committee (IMC), Principal Wong Sau Yi, the English Department team and parents for their continuous support.

熱烈恭賀本校英文科主任,蒙建佑老師榮獲Hong Kong EdCity Teaching Excellence 優秀教學獎。

該項殊榮旨在表揚善用教學法、教育理論成功實踐未來教育的教師。評審團來自多位教育界享譽權威的校長會主席、教授等,包括香港資助小學校長會主席 鍾麗金女士、香港中學校長會主席 連鎮邦先生、香港教育城行政總魏遠強先生、香港中文大學學習科學與科技中心總監 莊紹勇教授、香港教育大學特殊學習需要與融合教育中心總監 冼權鋒教授MH 及香港大學教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心主任 黃家偉教授。

在芸芸眾多優秀的教案中,本校蒙主任的教學備受評審團一致肯定,獲得本年度唯一的個人Teaching Excellence優秀教學獎項。本校英文科過往一年無論在成績、活動、校外比賽上皆取得顯著進步,蒙主任表示感謝法團校董會、黃秀儀校長、英文科團隊以及家長一直以來的支持。
